Welcome Alex!

Please join us in welcoming Alex Neff as PLAN’s new Coordinator!

Alex is a kind, creative and insightful community leader who has a strong passion for creating connections both between people and within the vibrant, diverse communities we live in. He is constantly learning about design-thinking, illustration, storytelling, and universal accessibility and has lots of questions and interesting ideas. Alex says that anything can happen when creative minds come together and we are so thrilled that he is joining with us here at PLAN!

The Coordinator is a new role that we designed to support the administrative aspects of our non-profit society, as well as support to the Board of Directors, convening of events and gatherings, and PLAN’s communication and storytelling work. This role is a mix of the Community Leader role that Claire helped to shape and the Communications and Engagement role that Adam supported us in. Thank you to the Mentor team and families who helped us to define and craft this critical position.

In our job posting, we said we were looking for a creative, super organized, behind-the-scenes Leader to join our team in the Coordinator role, and Alex is the perfect fit!

Please click here to read more about Alex:
And please take the time to send him a welcome note and introduce yourself too!

Alex can be reached by email at: aneff(at)plan.ca, or by calling the PLAN office.