Siblings Canada, in partnership with PLAN, is delighted to introduce Savvy Siblings: Strengthening the Financial Security of Your Sibling with a Disability. Funded by the Government of Canada, this free online course is for adults who want to play a role in improving the financial security of their siblings with disabilities—whether today or in the future.
Given that people with disabilities are outliving their parents more than ever before, more siblings are transitioning into caregiving roles, which includes responsibility for the long-term financial security of their siblings with disabilities. For many siblings, stepping into a caring role—or even just anticipating this transition—can be overwhelming, leading to worries about their own financial future and uncertainty about what to do.
Savvy Siblings walks participants through the fundamentals of how to meaningfully contribute to their sibling’s financial and overall well-being. It provides clarity around the various programs, benefits, and other resources available to people with disabilities and, in the process, helps ease worries around finances and the future.
Register for Savvy Siblings today!
If you know any siblings who might be interested in this course, we encourage you to forward them this email. (Note that while created for siblings, by siblings, Savvy Siblings welcomes siblings-in-law, cousins, and other second-generation caregivers.)
About Siblings Canada
Siblings Canada, an initiative of the Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence (CCCE), raises awareness of the critical role siblings play in creating robust and responsive systems of care for people with disabilities. It serves as a source of relevant knowledge, learning, and resources for sibling caregivers and the organizations supporting them.