Your Financial Contribution

Thank you for being a part of the PLAN Family!

To succeed in our mission, PLAN’s founders understood the need to have diverse sources of funding, and that we must never become reliant on any single source, especially the government. This protects our independence and our ability to speak up whenever we need to. However, staying independent also means we must rely on families and community supporters to invest their time and financial resources to keep us strong.

If you’re able to give a gift, any amount will make a real difference – $25, $100,  or even $1,000 if you can manage.

Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN) is a charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency and all donations are tax deductible. Our Registered Charity Number is 13151 6320 RR0001.

You can make your donation in a variety of ways:

Donate Online

Donate in minutes through a secure online transaction. You can send a one-time donation or become a monthly donor. Monthly donations are an easy way to donate and a great way to help PLAN because they allow us to plan ahead.

Click here to make a secure online donation.

Donate by Phone

To make a donation by phone, please contact Rebecca at 604-558-2055 and we will help you make a secure credit card donation or provide you with additional information.


Donate by Cheque

We also gratefully accept donations by cheque. Please make your cheque out to “Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network” and mail it to us at PLAN, 101-1001 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5H4E4.