Community Connector Role

Community Connectors are at the heart of the PLAN team.  They work directly with people who have disabilities and their families and networks in their neighbourhoods and community.  While each individual work plan is unique, there are 5 key elements to what we do. PLAN works to ensure that all people can have:
Friends and Relationships
Contribution and Citizenship
Empowered Decision Making
A Place to Call Home
Financial Security

As a Community Connector you work with a person to build and nurture their Personal Support Network in a way that ensures that they can be active and engaged in each other’s lives, and provide practical support as needed.  This is a social and relational role and requires skills and experience in planning and facilitation as you collaborate with people to define their goals and priorities and coordinate support from their network.
Future planning
Peace of mind


Community Connectors (1-4 Networks)

Community Connectors are independent contractors and work 4-6 hours each month with each person and family.  Connectors have support from their PLAN Mentors in the planning and work plan development process and meet together as a full team at least 4 times per year.
Year 1-3:  $25.00/hour
Year 4 and beyond:  $28.00/hour

Mentors  (5-9 Networks)

Mentors are employees of PLAN and are involved in network development, planning consultations, work plan development and also may supervise and support Community Connectors.  Additional training, coaching and support is also available.
Year 1-3:  $28.00/hour
Year 4 and beyond:  $30.00/hour

Please visit our Current Opportunities page to see openings!