Welcome Rabia Khedr

Rabia Khedr is dedicated to equity and justice for  persons with disabilities, women and diverse communities. A member of the Board of Directors of Accessibility Standards Canada, Ms. Khedr previously served as a Commissioner for the Ontario Human Rights Commission. Rabia co-chairs the Canadian-Muslim Covid Task Force and is a part of the Covid Disability Advisory Group to Minister Qualtrough. She is the Chief Executive Officer of DEEN Support Services and Executive Director of the Muslim Council of Peel.

 A founder of the Canadian Alliance on Race and Disability (CARD), Ms Khedr is also a member of the Mississauga Accessibility Advisory Committee and a board member of the Federation of Muslim Women. She has received numerous awards for her humanitarian services, including a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Metal.

 A motivational speaker and a documentary commentator, Ms. Khedr has campaigned in municipal elections to serve as a city councillor in Mississauga.

Ms. Khedr holds a Bachelor of Arts (University of Toronto) and a Master of Arts (York University).

Here are some recent videos of Rabia providing remarks at the Basics of Basic Income Webinars:



Twitter: @RabiaKhedr

Facebook: facebook.com/rabiaskhedr‎