Marge’s friends and family, who were able to attend, enjoyed looking at beautiful photos of her; a scrapbook full …
Under a sky the color of pea soup she is looking at her work growing away there actively, thickly …
My godmother Martha was a feisty Lancashire lass who drove ambulances for the air force in the Second World …
Networks are interesting! If you asked 10 people to describe what a network is at PLAN, there would …
When asked to write a tribute to Vickie from her PLAN family I thought what a daunting task for …
Vickie Cammack was a pioneer in developing real-life social networks to support people living with disabilities long before the …
Please join us in welcoming our newest Mentor at PLAN, Heather Anderson Pickell! Although reluctant to talk about …
It is with deeper than imaginable sadness and gratitude that we say goodbye to one of PLAN’s co-founders Vickie …
This is the day when the bottom of the year becomes the top, when some time in the darkness …
Barb Goode and I sat down to talk about the overwhelm of these times and what it takes to …
A few weeks ago, Ragne and I had an opportunity to have coffee with Todd’s family with the …
A recent conversation has started some interesting thinking about the roles that PLAN Network members take on. One of …